4 More Hair Retextures!


Even more hairs because I can't stop myself at this point.
 Stealthic Persephone, converted by Eir-ung
3t2 Surfing Side Braid, converted by Rented-Space
  Momosims' Bun Mashup, converted by MVS 
Anto Omen, converted by Puccamichi, 
but this is the lower poly mesh by Rented-Space 
Meshes are all included. 
They're all for females only, If you want Persephone for males just shoot me a comment/ msg on my simblr and I shall oblige. 
They're also for all ages, except for Persephone which is for child to elder. 
All retextured in Poppet's MM texture and in her naturals, unnaturals my mint. 
Naturals are binned with grey linked to black. 
With the unnaturals elders keep their colour. 
Fun Fact: Surfing Side Braid the Momo Bun Mashup are two of my all time fave hairs *___*

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